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The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) was founded in Toronto on September 6, 1905. 

The Association is dedicated to the support and promotion of efficient law enforcement and to the protection and security of the people of Canada. 

The Association is national in character.  Its interests and concern have relevance to police at all levels including municipal, regional, provincial and federal.  Many of the initiatives and the work of the Association and its committees through the year are reported on at the annual conference when recommendations are tendered and resolutions adopted.  In many cases, these form the basis of the Association’s ongoing work on behalf of the policing community and the society that it serves.  

The Canadian Association of Police Governance (CAPG) is the only national organization dedicated to excellence in police governance in Canada. Since 1989, the CAPG has worked diligently to achieve the highest standards as the national voice of civilian oversight of municipal police. We have grown to represent 80% of municipal police services throughout Canada.

The CAPG exists to serve its members and collaborate with other police services sector stakeholders across the nation, including police leaders, police sector associations, provincial, federal and municipal governments and their departments, police learning organizations, and business partners.

The City of Hamilton and community partners have developed a Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plan for Hamilton. Hamilton’s Community Safety and Well-Being Plan was unanimously adopted by Hamilton City Council on June 23, 2021.

Under the Province's Safer Ontario Act, 2018 municipalities are required to develop a Community Safety & Well-being Plan using the provincial government’s Community Safety and Well-Being Framework.

A Community Safety and Well-Being Plan aims to create the community conditions where:

  • Everyone is safe and has a sense of belonging
  • Everyone has access to services; and
  • Individual and families can meet their needs for education, health care, food, housing, income, and social and cultural expression.

Community Safety and Policing Act (CSPA) (not yet in force)

Once in force, the Community Safety and Policing Act will replace the Police Services Act.

Civilian Governance of Police Services  - Police Services Board Information Session (November 2022)

Provided by Police Services Liaison Unit, Inspectorate of Policing Advisor David Tilley 

Police Board Member Training - Code of Conduct Lessons Learned (December 2022)

Provided by Lynda Bordeleau, Partner Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall LLP

Police Board Governance Impact of the Community Safety and Policing Act (September 2024)

Provided by Lynda Bordeleau, Partner Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall LLP

Hamilton Police Service is proud to serve and protect Hamilton’s 545,000 residents in partnership with our communities. Our 829 officers and 414 civilians are guided by our mission, vision and values in making Hamilton a safe place to live and work.

The HRTO resolves claims of discrimination and harassment brought under the Human Rights Code in a fair, just and timely way. The HRTO first offers parties the opportunity to settle the dispute through mediation. If the parties do not agree to mediation, or mediation does not resolve the application, the HRTO holds a hearing.

The HRTO is one of the 13 tribunals that make up Tribunals Ontario.

The Inspectorate of Policing (IOP)

The IOP provides regulatory oversight to ensure compliance with the Community Safety and Policing Act and its regulations.

They ensure compliance with Ontario's Community Safety and Policing Act and its regulations through inspections, investigations, and advisory services.

Their work leverages research, data, and analytics to drive evidence-based actions.

As of April 1, 2024, the Inspector General has unique enforcement authorities and can issue measures and directions that are progressive and based on risk to public safety.

The four main operational areas of the Inspectorate of Policing work together to improve policing sector performance:

  1. Public Complaints and Investigations
  2. Inspections
  3. Data Intelligence
  4. Liaison, Advisory and Monitoring Services

Ministry of the Attorney General

Administering the justice system in Ontario and protecting the public by delivering a wide range of legal Services.

What we do:

  • Create a fair and accessible justice system for all Ontarians.
  • Coordinate and administer court services throughout Ontario.
  • Work to modernize the justice system and provide services that are more accessible, responsive and easy to use.
  • Build safe and prosperous communities across the province by increasing access to justice and responding to the evolving needs of Ontario.
  • Provide legal advice to, and conduct litigation on behalf of, all government ministries and many agencies, boards and tribunals.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Ensuring Ontario’s communities are supported and protected by law enforcement, and that public safety and correctional systems are safe, effective and accountable.

Correctional Services:

  • establishes, maintains, operates and monitors Ontario’s adult correctional institutions and probation and parole offices
  • oversees adult offenders under parole supervision
  • provides programs and facilities to help rehabilitate offenders
  • ensures the safety of individuals placed in the correctional system while safeguarding their human rights

Public Safety & Security:

  • maintains the security of Ontario by coordinating public safety initiatives among municipal, fire and emergency services organizations within and outside the province
  • delivers grant programs and promotes partnerships to minimize or eliminate hazards to people or property through:
    • public education initiatives
    • emergency measures
    • scientific investigations
    • coordination of fire safety services and the coroner’s system

Policing Services:

  • oversees policing services throughout Ontario, including the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
  • licenses, regulates and investigates the activities of private investigation and security agencies and their employees in Ontario

The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) is the voice of Ontario Police Leaders. In 1951, the OACP was created to be the voice of Ontario's police leaders. We provide a channel for police leaders to share ideas and cooperatively create solutions to meet the challenges facing police leadership in Ontario. Our association is not-for profit and we are based in Toronto, Ontario.

The Ontario Association of Police Services Boards (OAPSB) is the leading voice of police governance in Ontario. We serve our members and stakeholders, as well as the general public, by:

  • Helping local Police Services Boards fulfil their legislated responsibilities by providing training and networking opportunities and facilitating the transfer of knowledge
  • Advocating for improvement in public safety laws and regulations, practices and funding mechanisms

Our membership includes police services board members, police and law enforcement officials, and other persons involved in policing and public safety.

The Ontario Civilian Police Commission (OCPC) is an independent, quasi-judicial agency.

The OCPC hears appeals, adjudicates applications, conducts investigations and resolves disputes regarding the oversight and provision of policing services. The OCPC’s powers and duties come from the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.15. (PSA) and in particular section 22(1) of the PSA.

There are three civilian police oversight agencies in Ontario:

  1. Special Investigations Unit (SIU)
  2. Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD)
  3. Ontario Civilian Police Commission (OCPC)

Police services boards are independent bodies established by provincial legislation called the Police Services Act (PSA).

Principles of the PSA:

Police services shall be provided throughout Ontario in accordance with the following principles:

  1. The need to ensure the safety and security of all persons and property in Ontario.
  2. The importance of safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code.
  3. The need for co-operation between the providers of police services and the communities they serve.
  4. The importance of respect for victims of crime and understanding of their needs.
  5. The need for sensitivity to the pluralistic, multiracial and multicultural character of Ontario society.
  6. The need to ensure that police forces are representative of the communities they serve.  

Policing in Ontario

Learn about the roles, standards and responsibilities of police services to ensure the safety of our communities.


Effective policing is vital so we can all live in safety in our communities. To give Ontarians the security they need and expect, the Police Services Act and its related regulations:

  • set the standards for police services
  • spell out who is responsible for police services how they will operate

The Police Services Act

  • gives municipalities the responsibility for providing police services
  • gives the Ministry of the Solicitor General the responsibility for interpreting the act and regulations, as well as the responsibility for inspecting the activities of Ontario’s police services
  • identifies core activities for policing in Ontario
  • describes six principles for police services to follow in carrying out those activities

Regulations found under the Police Services Act.

Building Trust Through Bold Action - Roadmap for Real Change (April 2023)

Final Report of the Independent Expert Panel to the Thunder Bay Police Services Board


Framework for Change to Address Systemic Racism in Policing  (July 29, 2021)


The Ipperwash Inquiry Report (May 31, 2007)

A road map to better relationships between Aboriginal people and the Ontario government.


Office of the Ontario Independent Review Director (OIPRD) - Systemic Review Reports

OIPRD website with links to various systemic reports.


Report of the Independent Street Checks Review (2017)

Read the executive summary from the report of the Independent Street Checks Review by the Honourable Michael H. Tulloch.

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